Saturday, July 01, 2006

Fare thee well

Last night was the farewell party. It was fantastic to see all the mates that had been made turning out for one last "Hurrah!".
I had some photos of mine on display which apparnetly met with approval from the masses. We had good food and a good time. Thanks to everyone who came. Thanks to Daishochu for all their help and patience with the biggest bunch of gaijin I think they've had patron their establishment.
Thanks to everyone who donated to the "Nikki is Poor" cause (airport tax etc.).
It was a great night with a bit of shinannigins and a whole bunch of alcohol. Resulting in a 7am taxi ride home. And a very hungover Saturday of doin nothing. Not even packing.
And now the holiday can begin in earnest!!

Are you jealous...?

1 comment:

Vernon said...

Spewin' I wasn't there to attend. I'll knock back a stubby here at home for you tonight and celebrate to you via ESP. Only 1 stubby because of my own budget strife! It makes life interesting that's for sure. Carry on, soldier!