Thursday, January 31, 2008


I know, for some chaps it's some far flung exotic location, rarely spoken of and almost never visited. For some ladies, a romantic ideal that is secretly sought yet vehemently denied exisistence.

Here in the land of Golden Tequila and Abundant Cacti, Chivalry is not some far flung exotic getaway nor a romantic ideal. It is part of daily life.
Yes ladies Chivalry exists! I know as a Strong Independent Working Woman we are not supposed to want to have our chairs pulled out for us. We are not supposed to want to have our bags carried for us. We are not supposed to enjoy having the man pay. We are not supposed to enjoy feeling feminine as we are helped out of a car or down from the bus. We are not supposed to giggle like teenagers when we recieve messages about how special we are, how beautiful we are, how much we are missed, how much we are loved. We are Strong Independent Working Women goddamit and it's just not kosher.

But as I carry my work bag to and fro (and am completely lopsided due to the weight on my shoulder), how I wish there was someone there to take it from me. Someone to carry the load and not feel at all emasculated. And believe me some of the boyfriends here carry bright pink, sparkly monstrosities that any sane man would run screaming from. But as it belongs to his "beloved" it is his duty to carry it.
And with said work bag feeling much like a lead brick bodily attachment, how I wish there was someone to help me alight from the bus. And when I'm feeling blue and in need of a bit of flirtation, how I wish there was a message telling how beautiful I am.

But I am a Strong Independent Working Woman and... well bollocks to that.
Chivalry exists goddamit and as women of the Working World we are allowed to accept a man's desire to spoil us.
Give in ladies. Let your man spoil you. Spoil him back. And let the flirting commence!

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